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السوابق القضائية لأحكام ديوان المظالم الإدارية للأعوام ١٤٠٢ - ١٤٣٦هـ.
مجموعة الأحكام والمبادئ الصادرة عن ديوان المظالم لعام ١٤٣٧هـ.
الأنظمة واللوائح:
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اللائحة التنفيذية لنظام الانضباط الوظيفي، الصادرة بقرار وزير الموارد البشرية والتنمية الاجتماعية في تاريخ 16/5/1443ه.
اللائحة التنفيذية للموارد البشرية في الخدمة المدنية.
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Judicial precedents of the provisions of the Board of Administrative Grievances for the years 1402 - 1436 AH. (in Arabic).
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Laws and regulations:
The Employment Discipline System issued by Royal Decree No. (vol./18) dated 8/2/1443 AH. (in Arabic).
The General Auditing Bureau system issued by Royal Decree No. (vol./9) dated 11/2/1391 AH. (in Arabic).
The Employee Disciplinary System issued by Royal Decree No. vol./7 dated 1/2/1391 AH. (in Arabic).
The executive regulations for the occupational discipline system, issued by a decision of the Minister of Human Resources and Development social affairs on 5/16/1443 AH. (in Arabic).
Implementing regulations for human resources in the civil service. (in Arabic).