تخصيص عموم الابتداء بخصوص ضمير الانتهاء

The Specification of the Generality of Beginning with the Specific Nature of the Concluding Pronoun

أ.د. علي بن خضران بن محمد العُمري

, ,

Prof. Ali, Bin Khodran Bin Mohammed Alomari

الكلمات مفتاحية: عموم، تخصيص، ضمير. Generality, specification, pronoun.


موضوع البحث: تخصيص عموم الابتداء بخصوص ضمير الانتهاء.

هدف البحث: بيان المراد بمسألة تخصيص عموم الابتداء بخصوص ضمير الانتهاء، والراجح فيها.

منهج البحث: المنهج الاستقرائي التحليلي.

أهم النتائج: أن المراد بتخصيص عموم الابتداء بخصوص ضمير الانتهاء، قصر اللفظ العام الوارد في أول الآية على بعض ما تناوله، بالضمير العائد إليهم الوارد في نهاية الآية.

وقد اختلف العلماء في ذلك على ثلاثة أقوال، ولعل أقربها للصواب أنه لا يخُصَّص اللفظ العام به.

وقد بني على الخلاف في المسألة عدد من التطبيقات على النصوص الشرعية، مما يؤكد أهمية تحرير هذه المسألة، وذكر مدرك الخلاف فيها.

أهم التوصيات: العناية بالقواعد الأصولية المتعلقة بفهم الخطاب، وربطها بكلام الأصوليين وغيرهم في جميع مظان المسألة، ليتسع النظر فيها، مما يعين على الترجيح، والتماس العذر لمن تعددت أقوالهم فيها.

Research’ title: The Specification of the Generality of Beginning with the Specific Nature of the Concluding Pronoun.

The aim of the research: To clarify what is meant by Takhsees ( the specification ) of Umoom Alibtida’a (the generality of the beginning ) with the specific nature of the concluding pronoun, and the most preponderant opinion on the matter.

Research Methodology: Inductive Analytical Method.

The most important results: that what is meant by the specification of the generality of the beginning with the specific nature of the concluding pronoun, is limiting the general word at the beginning of the verse to some of its connotations with the pronoun refering to it at the end of the verse.

The scholars differed on that on three opinions, and perhaps the most preponderant is that the general word should not be specified wih it.

A number of jurisprudential applications were built upon the argument on the matter, which confirms the importance of analysing this issue, and clarifying the premesis for the argument therein.

The most important recommendations: Paying attention to the fundamentalist rules related to understanding the speech, and linking them to the opinions of the fundamentalists and others in all matters of the issue, in order to widen the perspectives on them, which helps to make weighting, and to seek excuses for those whose statements are numerous

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الماوردي، علي بن محمد. "الحاوي الكبير في فقه مذهب الإمام الشافعي". تحقيق علي محمد معوض، وعادل عبدالموجود. (ط1، بيروت: دار الكتب العلمية، 1419ه).

المرغيناني، علي بن أبي بكر. "الهداية في شرح بداية المبتدي". تحقيق طلال يوسف. (د.ط، بيروت: دار إحياء التراث العربي، د.ت).

المطيعي، محمد نجيب. "تكملة المجموع شرح المهذب". (د.ط، بيروت: دار الفكر، د.ت).

المواق، محمد بن يوسف. "التاج والإكليل لمختصر خليل. (ط1، بيروت: دار الكتب العلمية، 1416ه).

النفراوي، أحمد بن غنيم. "الفواكه الدواني على رسالة ابن أبي زيد القيرواني". (د.ط، بيروت: دار الفكر، 1415هـ).

الهندي، محمد بن عبدالرحيم. "نهاية الوصول في دراية الأصول". تحقيق د. صالح اليوسف ود. سعد السريح. ( ط2، مكة المكرمة: الناشر مكتبة نزار مصطفى الباز، 1419ه).


Ibn al-Hajib, Othman bin Omar. “ Mokhtasar Montaha Alwosol waAlamal fi ‘Ilmay Al-Usoul wa Al-Jadal". Printed with the brief statement of Shams Al-Din Mahmoud Al-Isfahani. Investigated by Muhammad Mazhar. (1st Edition, Jeddah: Dar Al-Madani, 1406 AH).

Ibn al-Saati, Ahmed bin Ali” Nihayat Sul Fi Sharh Minhaj Al-Wusul” Investigated by Dr. Saad al-Samli (Dr., Makkah al-Mukarramah: Umm al-Qura University, Institute of Scientific Research and Revival of Islamic Heritage, 1418 AH).

Ibn al-Subki, Abd al-Wahhab bin Ali. ‘jama’ aljawame’” by Badr Al-Din Al-Zarkashi. Investigated by Abdullah Rabie, Dr. Syed Abdul Aziz. (1st edition, Makkah Al-Mukarramah: Cordoba Foundation, distribution of the Meccan Library, 1419 AH).

Ibn Al-Samani, Mansour bin Muhammad. Kavatiü'l-Edille fi'l-Usul ,investigated by Dr. Abdullah Al-Hakami. ( 1407 AH).

Ibn Alfors , Abdel Moneim bin Abdel Rahim. "Provisions of the Qur'an". Investigated by. Taha bin Ali, Dr. Manjieh Bint Al-Hadi, and Salah Al-Din Bu Afif, (1st Edition, Beirut, Dar Ibn Hazm, 1427 AH).

Ibn Al-Najjar Al-Fotohi, Muhammad bin Abdulaziz. Sharh al-Kawkab al-Munir. Investigated by. Muhammad Al-Zuhaili and Dr. Nazih Hammad. (Dr., Riyadh, publisher Obeikan Library, 1418 AH).

Ibn al-Hammam, al-Kamal ibn al-Hammam. al-Tahrir fi Usul al-Fiqh. Between the Hanafi and Shafi’i conventions.” And with it the report and inscription by Ibn Amir al-Hajj. Edited and corrected by Abdullah Mahmoud Muhammad Omar. (1st Edition, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1419 AH).

Ibn Amir al-Hajj, Abu Abdullah bin Muhammad. “Altakreer wa ALtahbeer.” Adjusted and corrected by Abdullah Mahmoud. (1st ed., Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1419 AH).

Ibn Burhan, Ahmed bin Ali. "Alwsol Ela Alosol .  investigated by. Abdel Hamid Abu Zneid. (Dr., Riyadh: Knowledge Library, 1403 AH).

Ibn Rushd the grandson, Muhammad bin Ahmed. “The Beginning of the Mujtahid and the End of the Moqtased.” (Dr., Cairo: Dar Al-Hadith, 1425 AH).

Ibn Abbad Al-Ijli, Muhammad bin Mahmoud. " al kashef an al mahsoul". Investigation by Adel Abdel Mawgod and Ali Mohamed Moawad. (1st ed., Beirut: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, 1419 AH).

Ibn Aqil, Ali bin Aqeel. Al-Wadih Fi Usool Al-Fiqh. investigation Dr. Abdullah Al Turki. (1st Edition, Beirut: Al-Resala Foundation, 1420 AH).

Ibn Faris, Ahmed bin Faris. Language Standards. Investigation by Abd al-Salam Haroun. (Dr., Riyadh: Al-Riyadh Publishing and Distribution Company, Beirut: Dar Al-Jeel.

Ibn Qudamah, Abdullah bin Ahmed. Al-Kafi fi Fiqh of Imam Ahmad. (1st ed., Beirut: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, 1414 AH).

Ibn Qudamah, Abdullah bin Ahmed. " Al-Mughni ". investigation d. Abdullah Al-Turki, and Dr. Abdel Fattah El Helou. (3rd Edition, Riyadh: World of Books, 1417 AH).

Ibn Kathir, Ismail bin Omar. Interpretation of the Great Qur'an. Investigation by Sami Muhammad Al-Salama, (1st Edition, Riyadh: Dar Taiba, 1418 AH).

Ibn Kamal Pasha, Ahmed bin Suleiman. "Asrar Al-Nahwa", investigated by Dr. Ahmed Hassan Hamed. (2nd ed., Beirut: Dar Al-Fikr, 1422 AH).

Ibn Muflih, Muhammad bin Muflih. "Usoul al-Fiqh" investigation d. Fahd Al-Sadhan. (1st ed., Riyadh, Obeikan Library, 1420 AH).

Ibn Manzur, Muhammad bin Makram. " Lisan al-Arab". (1st edition, Beirut, Dar Sader, 1997 AD).

Ibn Hisham, Abdullah Ibn Yusuf. Qatr al-Nada wa-Ball al-Sada. Dar Al-Osaimi 1st edition.

Abu Alkhattab Alkalwazani, Ahmed Bin Alhassan. “Altamheed Fi Usul Alfiqh” investigation of Dr. Mufeedah Abu Amshah and Dr. Mohamed Ali. (1st Edition, Jeddah, Dar Almadani, 1406H).

Abu Hayyan, Muhammad bin Yusuf. Al Bahr Al Muhit. Investigated by Sidqi Muhammad Jamil. (Dr. T, Beirut: Dar Al-Fikr, 1420 AH).

Abu Yala, Muhammad bin Al-Hussein. Aludt Fi Usul Alfiqh. Investigated by. Ahmed Sir Mubaraki. (2nd ed., 1410 AH).

Al-Asmandi, Muhammad bin Abdul Hamid. Bazl Anazar fi Alosoul. Investigated by Mohamed Zaki. (1st ed., Cairo: Dar Al-Turath Library, 1412 AH).

Al-Asnawi, Abdul Rahim bin Al-Hassan. "The End of the Sol in Explanation of the Minhaj Al-Osoul". (1st ed., Beirut, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, 1420 AH).

Al-Isfahani, Mahmoud bin Abdul Rahman. "Bayan al-Mukhtasar Sharh Ibn al-Hajeb's Mukhtasar". Investigation by Muhammad Mazhar. (1st ed., Jeddah: Dar Al-Madani, 1406 AH).

Al Taymiyyah, Abdul Salam bin Taymiyyah, his son Abdul Halim bin Abdul Salam, and his grandson Ahmed bin Abdul Halim. Al-Musawwadah. Investigated by: Ahmed Alzarawy. Riyadh: Dar Al-Fadila, 1422 AH).

Al-Alusi, Mahmoud Al-Alusi Al-Baghdadi. Ruuh Al-Ma’aany fi Tafseer Al-Qur’aan Al-‘Adheem wa Al-Sab’ Al-Ma’aany. Investigation by Muhammad Ahmad Al-Amad and Omar Abdul Salam Al-Salami. (1st Edition, Beirut: House of Revival of Arab Heritage, Foundation for Arab History, 1421 AH).

Al-Amidi, Ali bin Muhammad. Alihkam fi Osol Alahkam” Comment by Abdul Razzaq Afifi. (2nd ed., Beirut: The Islamic Bureau, 1402 AH).

Alansari, Zakaria Bin Mohammed. “Ghayat Alwosul Fi Sharh Lub Alusul”. (No Date, Egypt: Alkotob Alarabiya Alkobra House, No Date).

Al-Ansari, Abdul-Ali Muhammad bin Nizam Al-Din. "Fawaatih Al-Rahmut bi Sharh Musallam Al-Thubuut". (1st Edition, Beirut: House of Revival of Heritage for Arabi, 1418 AH).

Al-Babarti, Muhammad Bin Mahmoud, “Al-Ruduud wa Al-Nuquud Sharh Ibn al-Ḥājib,.” Investigated by. Dhaif Allah Al-Omari, d. Trheb Al-Dosari. (I 1, Riyadh: Al-Rushd Library, 1426 AH).

Al-Baji, Suleiman bin Khalaf. “Ihkaam Alfoosol Fi Akam alosol” by Abdul Majeed Turki. (2nd ed., Beirut: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1415 AH).

Al-Baqlani, Muhammad bin Al-Tayyib. " “Al-Taqreeb and Al-Irshad Al-Saghir". Investigation by Abdel Hamid Abu Zneid. (1st Edition, Beirut: Al-Resala Foundation, 1413 AH).

Albokhari, Abdulaziz Bin Ahmed. “Kashf Alasrar an Usul Fakhr Alislam”. Abdullah Mahmoud wrote its footnotes. (1st edition, Beirut: Alkotob Alilmya Library, 1418 AH). 

Albermawi, Mohamed Abduldaem. “Alfawaed Alsenya Fi Sharh Alalfiya”. Investigation of Abdullah Ramadan, (1st Edition, Egypt: Altaweya Aleslamya Library for publication, Investigatoin and Scientific Research, 1436H)

Al-Basri, Muhammad bin Ali. Al-Mu’tamad fi Usul al-Fiqh. It was presented to him by Khalil al-Mays. (1st ed., Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1403 AH).

Al-Bahouti, Mansour bin Younes. Kashaf Al Qinaa An Matn Al Iqnaa. Investigated by Hilal Moselhi, (Dr., Beirut: Dar Al-Fikr, 1402 AH).

Al-Baidaawi, Abdullah bin Omar. Alminhaj. Printed with Al-Ibhaj fi Sharh Al-Minhaj, Ali bin Abdul Kafi, and his son. Abdulwahab. Study and achieve d. Ahmed Al-Zamzami, and Dr. Nour Al-Din Saghiri, (1st Edition, Dubai: House of Research for Islamic Studies and Heritage Revival, 1424 AH).

Al-Baidawi, Abdullah bin Omar. Tafseer Al-Baidawi. Recorded and extracted its verses and hadiths: Abd al-Razzaq al-Mahdi. (1st ed., Beirut: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, 1417 AH).

Al-Jurjani, Ali Al-Jurjani. Al-Ta’reefaat. Investigated by Ibrahim Al-Abyari. (3rd Edition, Beirut: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi, 1417 AH).

Al-Jazari, Muhammad bin Yusuf. Mi'raj al-Minhaj Sharh Minhaaj Al-Wusoul Ilaa ‘Ilm Al-Usoul Investigated by. Shaban Muhammad Ismail. (1st ed., Cairo: Al-Hussein Islamic Press, 1413 AH).

Al-Jassas, Ahmed bin Ali. "Ahkaam Al-Qur'aan". investigation Dr. Muhammad Qamhawi, (Dr., Beirut: House of Revival of Arab Heritage, 1405 AH).

Al-Jassas, Ahmed bin Ali. Alfosol fi Alosol “ edited and commented on by  Mohamed Mohamed Tamer. (1st Edition, Beirut: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmia, Makkah Al-Mukarramah: Distribution of Abbas Ahmad Al-Baz Library, 1420 AH).

Aljindi, Abdel Rahim Faraj. Sulam Al Akhdari. Cairo: Al-Azhar Heritage Library, 1418 AH).

El-Gohary, Ismail bin Hammad. Taj al-Lugha wa Sihah al-Arabiya. Investigated by Ahmed Attar. (4th ed., Beirut: Dar Al-Million, 1407 AH).

Hassan, Abbas. Al-Nahw Al-Waafi.

El Hefnawy, Mohamed Ibrahim. "Ithaf Al-Anam bi Takhsees Al-‘Aam". (1st ed., Cairo: Dar Al-Hadith, 1417 AH).

Al-Razi, Muhammad bin Abi Bakr, "Mukhtar Al-Sahah". (1st ed., Beirut: Dar al-Fikr al-Arabi, 2002 AD).

Alrazi, Mohamed Bin Omar. “Almhasoul Fi Elm Alosul”. Authenticated and margined by Mohamed Abdulqader Investigation, (2nd Edition, Beirut, Alkotob Alilmya Library, 1436 AH).

Al-Razi, Muhammad bin Omar. “Tafsir al-Razi. Beirut: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, 1421 AH).

Alrahouni, Yahya Bin Musa. “Tuhfat Almasoul Fi Sharh Mokhtasar Muntaha Alsoul”. Investigation by Dr. Alhadi Bin Alhussein and Yousuf Alakhdar, (1st Edition, Dubai, Islamic Research and Tradition revitalization Library. 1442 AH)

Al-Zarkashi, Muhammad bin Bahader. ALbahr Al-Bahr Al-Muheet fi Usoul Al-Fiqh. edited and commented on by  Mohamed Mohamed Tamer. ((Dr., Beirut: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmia, 1421 AH).

Al-Zarkashi, Muhammad bin Bahader. "Tashnif Al-Masmaa bi Jam’ Al-Jawaami’". investigated by. Abdullah Rabie, and Dr. Sayed Abdulaziz. (1st ed., Makkah Al-Mukarramah: Cordoba Foundation, distribution of the Meccan Library, 1419 AH).

Zuhair, Muhammad Abu Al-Nour. Usul al-Fiqh. (Dr., Makkah Al-Mukarramah: Al-Faisaliah Library, 1405 AH).

Al-Subki, Ali bin Abdul Kafi, and his son Abdul Wahhab. Al-Ibhaj fi Sharh Al-Minhaaj. Study and achieved. Ahmed Al-Zamzami, and Dr. Nour Al-Din Saghiri, (1st Edition, Dubai: House of Research for Islamic Studies and Heritage Revival, 1424 AH).

Al-Sarkhsi, Muhammad bin Ahmed. "Mabsoot". (Dr., Beirut: Dar al-Maarifa, 1414 AH).

Al-Salami, Iyad bin Nami. “’Usoul Al-Fiqh Alladhi laa Yasa’u Al-faaqih Jahluhu” (1st ed., Riyadh: Dar al-Tadmuriya, 1426 AH).

Al-Samarqandi, Muhammad bin Ahmed. "Tohfat Fuqaha". (2nd ed., Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1414 AH).

Al-Samarqandi, Muhammad bin Ahmed. Mizan Alosol fi Nata’ej al-‘Uqoul (abbreviated) investigated.by Muhammad Zaki, (2nd ed., Cairo: Dar Al-Turath Library, 1418 AH).

Al-Suhaili, Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah. "Nataaij Al-Fikr". (2nd ed., Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1412 AH).

Al-Shafi'i, Muhammad bin Idris. Al-umm. Beirut: House of Knowledge, 1410 AH).

Al-Shayeb, Fawzi Hassan.  “Pronouns: Their Origins and Evolution” (Arabic). Annals of the Faculty of Arts, 8, (published year): 5-47.

Al-Shinqeeti, Muhammad Al-Amin Muhammad Al-Mukhtar. Muzakkirah fi Usoul Al-Fiqh. (3rd ed., Cairo: Publisher Ibn Taymiyyah Library, 1416 AH).

Al-Shashawi, Hussein bin Ali. Raf al-Niqab 'an Tanqih al-Shihab. Investigated by: Dr Ahmed Al Sarrah, and Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Jibreen. (1st ed., Riyadh: Al-Rushd Library, 1425 AH).

Shirazi, Ibrahim bin Ali. "Alluma’ fi Usoul Al-Fiqh". (2nd , Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1424 AH).

Shirazi, Ibrahim bin Ali. AlMohazzab fi Fiqh Al-Imam Al-Shafi'i. (Dr., Beirut: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya.

Shirazi, Ibrahim bin Ali. "Sharh Al-Luma’”, Investigation Dr. Ali Al-Omairni. (1st ed., Riyadh: Al-Tawbah Library, 1412 AH).

Al-Sabban, Muhammad bin Ali. Haashiyah Al-Sabbaan ‘alaa Sharh Al-Ashmouni li Alfiyyah Ibn Maalik. (1st ed., Beirut: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, 1417 AH).

Al-Sanani, Muhammad bin Ismail. “Ijaabat Al-Saail Sharh Bugyah Al-Aamil.” Investigated by Judge Hussein Al-Siaghi and Dr. Hassan Al-Ahdal. (1st Edition, Beirut: Al-Resala Foundation.

Tabari, Muhammad bin Jarir. Jami` al-Bayan fi Tahweel Qur'an. (3rd Edition, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1420 AH).

Al-Omrani, Yahya bin Abi Al-Khair. "Al-Bayaan fi Madhab Al-Imam Shafi'i". Investigation by Qassem Al-Nouri. (1st ed., Jeddah: Dar Al-Minhaj, 1421 A.H.).

Al-Ghazali, Muhammad bin Muhammad. : "Al Mostasfa". Study and achieve d. Hamza bin Zuhair Hafez.

Al Fanari, Muhammad bin Hamza. "Fosol Al Badaa'a". Investigation by Mohamed Hussein. (1st ed., Beirut: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, 1427 AH).

Al-Firouzabadi, Muhammad bin Yaqoub. Al-Qamus Al-Muhit. Investigation by the Heritage Office at the Al-Resala Foundation, under the supervision of Muhammad Naim Al-Arqossi, (5th Edition, Beirut: Al-Resala Foundation, 1416 AH).

Fayoumi, Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Ali. " Al-Misbah Al-Munir ". (Beirut: Scientific Library

Al-Qarafi, Ahmed bin Idris. Al-Zakheerah. Investigated by Muhammad Hajji, Saeed Aarab, and Muhammad Bu Khubza. (1st ed., Beirut: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1994 AD).

Al-Qarafi, Ahmed bin Idris. Alakd Almanzoum . Investigated by Mohamed Alawi Nasr. (Kingdom of Morocco: Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, 1418 AH).

Al-Qarafi, Ahmed bin Idris. Sharh Tankeeh Al-Fusol Fe Elmal Al-Usul. (1st Edition, Beirut: Dar Al-Fikr, 1418 A.H.)

Al-Qurtubi, Muhammad bin Ahmed. Al Jami’a. Investigated by Abdullah Al-Turki, and Mohammed Arqsoussi participated in the investigation, (1st Edition, Beirut: Al-Resala Foundation, 1427 AH).

Kalaji, Qunaibi, Muhammad Rawas, and Hamid Sadiq. Mu’jam Lughat Al-Fuqahaa. (2nd ed., Dar Al-Nafais, 1408 AH).

Al-Kafwi, Ayoub bin Musa. “Al-Kulliyyaat". investigation d. Adnan Darwish, and Muhammad Al-Masry. (2nd ed., Beirut: Al-Resala Foundation, 1419 AH).

Al-Kalouthani, Ahmed bin Al-Hassan. Introduction to the principles of jurisprudence. investigation d. Mufid Abu Amsha and Dr. Muhammad bin Ali bin Ibrahim. (1st ed., Jeddah: Dar Al-Madani, 1406 AH).

Kia Harras, Ali bin Mohammed. "Ahkaam Al-Qur'an". Investigated by Muhammad Ali, and Izzat Abdo. (Dr., Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1405 AH).

Al-Mawardi, Ali bin Muhammad. "Al-Hawi al-Kabir fi Fiqh Madhab Al-Imam Shafi'i school of thought". Investigated by Ali Mohamed Moawad, and Adel Abdel Mawgoed. (1st ed., Beirut: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya, 1419 AH).

Al-Marginani, Ali bin Abi Bakr. Al-Hidayah ,Investigated by Talal Youssef. (Dr., Beirut: House of Revival of Arab Heritage)

Al-Muta'i, Muhammad Najib. " Takmilat Almajmue Sharah Almuhadhab ". (Beirut: Dar Al-Fikr).

Al-Mawwaq, Muhammad bin Yusuf. " altaj wal'iiklil limukhtasar khalil,. (1st Edition, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1416 AH).

Al-Nafrawi, Ahmed bin Ghneim. Al Fawakeh Al-Dawani. (Beirut: Dar Al-Fikr, 1415 AH).

Al-Hindi, Muhammad bin Abdul Rahim. "nihayat sul fi sharh minhaj al-wusul ". investigation Dr. Saleh Al-Youssef and Dr. Saad Al-Sareeh. (2nd Edition, Makkah Al-Mukarramah: Publisher, Nizar Mustafa Al-Baz Library, 1419 AH).