study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of teaching science using the strategy
of cognitive modeling in achieving and developing some soft skills among the
second intermediate grade students in Asir region (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).
Two data collection tools were used, namely an achievement test and a measure
of soft skills, and the psychometric conditions of the research tools were
verified, and the (T-test) was used for two independent samples to determine if
there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the
two study groups in the pre and post achievement test and soft skills. . The
results of the study reached the following:
1. There are statistically significant differences at the
level of significance (0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the two
experimental groups, which were taught using the cognitive modeling strategy,
and the control group, which was taught using the regular method in the
post-application of the achievement test, in favor of the experimental group.
2. There are statistically significant differences at the
level of significance (0.05) between the mean scores of the students of the two
experimental groups, which were taught using the cognitive modeling strategy,
and the control group, which was taught in the normal way, in the post
application of the soft skills scale in favor of the experimental group.
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