Welcome to the Islamic University Journal For Educational and Social Sciences

Electronic version - International Serial Number (ISSN) 1658-8495

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    Recently published by the Journal of the Islamic University for Educational and Social Sciences, Issue 20, Volume (37,38), each volume contains ten peer-reviewed scientific research papers.


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* Journal of the Islamic University for Educational and Social Sciences:

A peer-reviewed scientific journal; published four times a year during the months of (March, June, September, December); aims to enrich the scientific research movement at the Islamic University, and to cooperate and communicate with researchers everywhere; to publish their original scientific production.

* Vision:

- Pioneering in publishing solid scientific research in the field of educational and social sciences, and working to be a source of knowledge within the most famous international periodicals.

* Mission:

- Publishing distinguished scientific research with originality and innovation that achieves the university''s goals, and adding distinctive knowledge that serves the local and global community.

* Objectives:

- Effectively contributing to the development of the scientific research movement at the Islamic University.

- Building bridges of cooperation and communication with researchers from everywhere and publishing their original scientific output.

- Serving the community by publishing valuable studies, and adopting writing on contemporary issues and developments; which falls within the journal''s specializations
First: Distinctive features of the researcher and scientific research:

1. Characteristics of the scientific researcher:

The researcher must have several characteristics, the most important of which are the following:

· Having sincere intentions and a noble goal when completing the research.

· Commitment to scientific integrity.

· Fairness and objectivity.

· Efficiency in collecting information from paper and digital sources and references.

· The ability to analyze information, draw conclusions, and purposeful criticism.

· Preserving the environment in research that requires applied experiments.

2. Characteristics of scientific research:

Several characteristics must be available in scientific research, the most important of which are the following:

· Originality of the research, and its freedom from plagiarism or excessive quotation.

· Originality of sources and references, their diversity, and their sufficiency.

· Novelty and scientific addition, and the concept of novelty varies according to academic specializations, and the level of novelty required varies according to the stages for which the research is prepared; This is due to academic custom within the framework of regulations and systems.

· Clarity of research objectives.

· The scientific methodology considered in preparing the research.

· Clarity of the title, and its significance to the content of the research.

· Depth of scientific treatment of the research topic.

· Correctness of language, quality of style, and clarity of ideas.

· Not exceeding the permissible percentage of quotation.

· The research is free from practices that violate the ethics of scientific research, most notably:

A- Plagiarism: It is the scientific work in which its author relies on a previous scientific work, such as master''s and doctoral theses or others. Plagiarism does not include research submitted by a faculty member for promotion and excluded by the Scientific Council due to its weakness, then the faculty member modified and refereed it again.

B- Plagiarism: It is the scientific work in which its author relies on the work of others, and attributes it to himself.

C- Fraud: It is the presentation of misleading information or results; to obscure the truth.

Th- Exaggerated quotation: by literal and exaggerated quotation from sources and attributing them to them, and the percentage of quotation allowed varies according to specializations and academic levels.

Second: Ethics of completing scientific research:

One of the most important duties that the researcher must adhere to in completing or publishing his research:

· Linking his research as much as possible to the needs of the local and global community.

· Avoiding research that may lead to harm to the environment or to research participants.

· Accuracy in preparing the research and adhering to the appropriate method for its subject and scientific specialization.

· Taking statistics from their sources, and adhering to accuracy in monitoring them.

· Adhering to scientific integrity, and attributing texts and ideas to their owners according to the method followed in documentation, and not exaggerating in quoting without need.

· Accuracy in analyzing research results, and not distorting or exaggerating them, or hiding the scientific facts that have been reached.

· Writing the results reached by the research and the recommendations and studies that researchers can address to complete the subject of the study.

· Acknowledging the efforts or support provided to him in completing his research, whether from parties or individuals, and referring to these efforts in his research. The researcher does not have the right to attribute research, inventions, or discoveries that he completed with the support of the university to another party.

· Giving participating researchers and assistants their rights.

· Respecting the subjects (field research sample) and observing their rights.

· Adhering to the controls for conducting experiments on animals.

· Adhering to the rules of security and safety in research conducted in laboratories.

Third: The researcher''s rights:

1. Research freedom:

The researcher has the right to research freedom in completing and applying research, within the framework of what is required by the regulations and systems, and for this purpose he has:

· Freedom to choose the topic of his research, as long as it is within the scope of the university''s research policy, and contributes to achieving its mission and vision.

· The researcher has the freedom to choose his participants in completing his research as long as these participants are not proven to have violated the ethics of scientific research.

· Freedom to access databases that provide him with the sources and references he needs to complete his research.

· Freedom to choose the journal or database in which to publish his research, as long as these journals or databases adhere to the standards of valid scientific publishing.

2. The researcher''s rights over the university:

The university is committed to providing an appropriate environment for scientific research to encourage researchers to complete their research, and in this context, it is committed to enabling the researcher to obtain a number of benefits and rights, including:

· Obtaining financial support to complete research, in accordance with the research policy and research priorities of the university, and within the framework of what the allocated budget allows for.

· Adopting a declared and fair policy that achieves equal opportunities to support, referee and publish research.

· Supporting distinguished research with competitive rewards and awards that enhance the increase of distinguished research.

· Providing financial support to publish research in internationally classified journals.

· Providing the opportunity - as much as possible - for researchers to participate in research events and conferences inside and outside the university.

· Providing laboratories and research facilities for experimental specializations.

· Providing researchers with the opportunity to communicate with governmental and civil entities related to their specializations to obtain funding for their research.

· Providing journals and databases in which researchers publish their research.

· Providing a safe environment for conducting research, and announcing the security and safety measures that must be taken in the event of any risks.

Fourth: The researcher''s obligations:

1. The researcher''s obligations towards the university:

The university has rights over the researcher, which he must adhere to, the most important of which are the following:

· Submitting research that achieves the university''s vision, mission and strategic goals.

· Adhering to the research policies determined by the university.

· Stipulating the researcher''s affiliation with the university when publishing scientific research he completes during his affiliation with the university, or registering patents arising from research he completed during his affiliation with the university.

· Stipulating the funding of research supported by the university''s support agencies when it is published.

· The university has the right to publish any research work that it supports with a contract between it and the researcher, and the researcher does not have the right to dispute the university over the right to publish his work that he completed with its funding, unless the funding contract stipulates otherwise, and the university''s right to do so includes the paper and electronic publication of the entire research or its summary, and on the electronic platforms it deems appropriate for that, whether the publication is for a fee or without a fee, and the Scientific Research Deanship Council or the Scientific Council has the right to make an exception to that.

· The ownership of scientific works, including scientific theses, research projects, scientific research, working papers, peer-reviewed scientific articles, books, publications, and encyclopedias that the researcher completes during his affiliation with the university, and the evidence, documents, and works that he prepares within the framework of his functional and administrative responsibility, are subject to the systems and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the executive and procedural regulations and rules of the Islamic University, taking into account the conditions for accepting graduate students, employing faculty members and those in their position, and administrative employees.

2. The researcher''s obligations towards the university''s resources:

The researcher has the right to use the resources, facilities, and databases provided to him by the university, or stipulated in the financing contract - in order to complete his research - and he is obligated to observe the following in this regard:

· Honesty in estimating his research requirements for financial support, equipment, or materials.

· Commitment to spending the budget allocated to support his research according to the items agreed upon with the funding body.

· Commitment to the procedures established at the university for purchasing tools, equipment, and materials.

· Preserving devices and equipment during research, while not overusing the materials provided to him by the university in the laboratories.

· Commitment to deliver the devices, equipment and remaining materials purchased from the budget allocated for his research to the university if the financing contract stipulates this.

· Avoiding any irregular use of the budget allocated to complete or implement the research.

· Preserving the university''s property and equipment, and adhering to the security and safety instructions announced by the university.

3. The researcher''s obligations towards society:

Society has rights over the researcher that he must adhere to, as follows:

· Adherence to the values ​​of the true Islamic religion, and the prevailing customs in the Kingdom, and not violating them in completing or implementing his research.

· Adherence to Saudi regulations and regulations governing scientific research in the Kingdom and the university.

· Providing effective solutions to society''s problems should be among the researcher''s priorities.

· Reducing the side effects that may result from implementing his research and affect the surrounding environment.

· Not directing his research to personal interests, or whims and inclinations at the expense of religion, society, or the environment.

· Avoiding any research practices that may harm the security and unity of the Kingdom.

· Avoid offending countries, communities, regions, tribes, races, sects, or individuals, and limit yourself to sound scientific presentation within the framework of what scientific research requires.

Fifth: Rights of the respondents (field research sample):

The researcher has rights towards those who conducted the field study on them, the most important of which are:

· The researcher must adhere to Islamic ethics and the accepted etiquette in dealing with the respondents.

· The respondent has the right to accept or reject his participation in the research.

· The respondent has the right to respect his privacy and know the limits of the research in which he will participate.

· The respondent has the right to agree or disagree to the publication of his personal data.

· The respondent has the right to withdraw from participating in the research if he fears that harm will befall him.

· The respondent has the right to know the results of the research in which he participated.

· The researcher must inform the respondent of the potential risks of his participation in the research.

· The researcher must ensure the confidentiality of the respondents'' personal data.

· The researcher must obtain explicit consent from the respondent, or written consent from their representatives if they are children or people with special needs, and he may not obtain this consent by coercion or fraud.

Sixth: Controls for animal experiments:

Those who conduct animal experiments must take into account the following:

· Ensure the health of the animals before conducting experiments on them; to ensure that the results of the experiment are not affected.

· Ensure that the animals nominated for experiments do not carry epidemics that could be transmitted to researchers, and from them to the community they deal with.

· Do not use rare and endangered animals, except after approval from the competent authorities.

· Take care of the health condition of the animal before and after conducting experiments on it by specialists.

· Provide appropriate place and food for animals.

· Adhere to health and safety conditions when mixing with animals.

· Subjecting animals to the supervision of trained researchers with experience in conducting animal experiments.

· Do not frighten animals by seeing other animals undergoing surgery or slaughter, etc.

· Do not subject animals to surgery unless they are anesthetized to ensure that they do not feel the pain of surgery.

· Disposing of animals that have completed their experimentation in a safe manner that ensures that the complications of the experiment are not transmitted to the surrounding community.

Prepared by: Deanship of Scientific Research at the Islamic University of Madinah.

The journal seeks to adhere to the rules of conduct and transparency as defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

First: Publication conditions:

1. It must be characterized by originality, novelty, innovation, and cognitive addition in the specialization.
2. The researcher has not previously published his research.
3. It must not be taken from a doctoral or master''''''''s thesis, whether by the thesis system, research project, or courses.
4. The researcher must adhere to academic integrity.
5. The methodology and rules of scientific research must be observed.

Second: General rules:

1. The research must include: the title page of the research, an abstract in Arabic and English, an introduction, the body of the research, a conclusion that includes the results and recommendations, a list of sources and references in Arabic and English, and the necessary appendices (if any).
2. In the event of (publishing the research), the researcher will be provided with an electronic copy of the issue of the journal in which his research was published, and an extract of his research.
3. In the event that the research is approved for publication, all publishing rights shall be transferred to the journal, which may republish it in print or electronically, and may include it in local and international databases - for a fee or without a fee - without the need for the researcher''''''''s permission.
4. The researcher may not republish his research accepted for publication in the journal except after written permission from the editor-in-chief of the journal.
5. The opinions expressed in the published research express the point of view of the researchers and do not express the opinion of the Islamic University and its affiliated journal.
6. The journal does not impose publication fees.

Third: Technical controls:

1. The percentage of quotation in educational research shall not exceed (25%) and in other social specializations shall not exceed (40%).
2. The total number of words in the research shall not exceed (12,000) words, including the Arabic and English abstracts and the list of references.
3. The research data should be written on the cover page in both Arabic and English, and should include: (the title of the research, the name of the researcher, the researcher’s general specialization, the academic degree, the department, the college, the university), in addition to the researcher’s personal email.
4. The research should include two abstracts: one in Arabic and the other in English, each of which should not exceed (250) words, and should include the following elements: (the research topic, its objectives, its methodology, and the most important results), with careful editing.
5. Each abstract (Arabic/English) should be followed by keywords that accurately express the research topic and the main issues it addresses, so that their number does not exceed (6) words.
6. Page margins should be (3.2 cm) from (top and bottom) and (2.5 cm) from (right and left), and the line spacing should be single.
7. The (Traditional Arabic) font should be used for the Arabic language in size (14) non-bold for the text and abstract, bold for the titles, size (11) non-bold for the footnote, size (9) non-bold for tables and figures, and bold for the table headings and commentary.
8. The (Times New Roman) font is used for English in size (10) non-bold for the text and abstract, bold for titles, and size (7) non-bold for documenting the reference next to the text and for the footnote, tables and figures, and bold for the table headings and commentary.

Fourth: Documenting the research:

The documentation style adopted in the journal is the American Psychological Association (APA) system, seventh edition, and in historical studies, the Chicago system.

Fifth: List of sources and references:

- A list of Arabic sources and references is attached to the research; arranged alphabetically according to the author''s surname.
- A list of sources and references translated from Arabic (Romanization) is also attached to the research in a separate title following the list of Arabic sources and references.
- A list of foreign sources and references -if any- is also attached to the research; provided that they are in a separate title following the list of Arabic sources and references translated (Romanization).
- Some notes while translating Arabic sources and references (Romanization), as follows:

A- The Arabic sources whose names have become famous and well-known - such as most Islamic sources - the researcher is committed to translating them literally in Latin letters (Romanizing them), while translating the translation of the name of the magazine as it appears on its website in English. If it does not have a name in English, it is Romanized and followed between parentheses (in Arabic), as in the following examples:
Form of the example in the list of Arabic sources:
Al-Dhahabi, Muhammad bin Ahmad. (1422 AH / 2001 AD). Sear A''''''''''''''''lam Annubala''''''''''''''''. (Investigation shu''''''''''''''''ib AL-''''''''''''''''arna''''''''''''''''oot) (Ed. 11). Mu''''''''''''''''ssasah al-resalah

B- Arabic sources whose titles should be translated to clarify their content, their titles should be translated into English, as in the following example: The form of the example in the list of Arabic sources:
Al-Khedhr, Nawal bint Sultan. (2023). A teaching program based on the (SAMR) model and its effectiveness in developing strategic competence among first grade secondary female students. Journal of the Islamic University of Educational and Social Sciences, (15), 45-80.
The form of the example in the list of English sources translated into it as stated in the journal in which it was published:
AL-Khedhr, Nawal sultan. (2032). A teaching program based on (SAMR) model and its effectiveness in developing strategic competence among first grade secondary female students. Journal of the Islamic University of Educational and Social Sciences, (15), 45-80
Attach appendices such as: research tools, approvals for application to samples, etc.
1. Fundamentals of Education.
2. Educational Administration.
3. Curricula and Teaching Methods.
4. Psychology.
5. Special Education.
6. Teaching Techniques.
7. History.
8. Geography.
9. Sociology.
  • Arbitration Procedures in the Journal of the Islamic University for Educational and Social Sciences:

    1. The researcher shall send two copies of his research to the journal electronically in (Word) and (PDF) formats, one of which shall be free of anything that indicates the researcher''s identity.

    2. Attach a brief CV on one page according to the journal''s approved form.

    3. The researcher shall attach a written pledge according to the journal''s approved form; in which he pledges that his research complies with the journal''s conditions, as follows:

    A. The research you have submitted has not been published or submitted for publication in a conference, journal, or other scientific publishing outlets and research bodies.

    B. The research you have submitted is not taken from previously published or submitted research or books, and is not taken from a doctoral or master''s thesis, whether by the thesis system, research project, or courses.

    C. Commitment to scientific integrity and the ethics of scientific research.

    D. Observance of the scientific research methodology and its rules.

    4. The editorial board of the journal has the right to initially examine the research, decide on its eligibility for arbitration, or reject it, and notify the researcher of that.

    5. If the research is decided to be eligible for arbitration, the research is sent to at least two arbitrators.

    6. If the arbitrators'' reports on the research are complete, a letter is sent to the researcher that includes one of the following cases:

    A. Accepting the research for publication directly.

    B. Accepting the research for publication after modification.

    C. Amending the research, then re-arbitrating it.

    D. Apologizing for accepting and publishing the research.

    7. If the researcher does not commit to making the modifications within the specified time (ten days from the date of the letter), he will be apologized to.

    8. The editorial board of the journal has the right to determine the priorities for publishing research, and arrange them technically.

SrNo Description Download
1 نموذج السيرة الذاتية
2 الدليل التعريفي لانضمام الباحثين للمنصة
3 الدليل التعريفي لانضمام المحكمين للمنصة
4 نموذج جدول تعديلات الباحثين (خاص بالباحث)
5 نموذج تحكيم بحوث العلوم الاجتماعية (خاص بالمحكم)
6 نموذج تحكيم بحوث العلوم التربوية (خاص بالمحكم)

Journal Team

Editorial Board


Prof. Abdulrahman Ali Aljohani

Prof. of the Principles of Education, Islamic University of AL Madinah AlMonawrah

Managing Editor

Prof. Mohamed Jaza Alharbi

Prof. of the Principles of Education, Islamic University of AL Madinah AlMonawrah

Editorial Members


His Excellency Prof. Ratib bin Salamah al-Su’ud

Former Minister of Higher Education and Prof. of Educational Management, The University of Jordan


Prof. Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-Dughairi

Vice Rector of Shaqra University for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research and Prof. of Economic Geography, Qassim University


Prof. Ali bin Hassan AL-Ahmadi

Prof. of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, Islamic University of AlMadinah AlMonawrah


Prof. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Nashwan

Professor of Curriculum and Science Development at Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University


Prof. Subhi bin Saeed Al Harithi

Professor of Psychology at Um Al-Qura University


Prof. Hamdy A. Abdelaziz

Dean of the College of E-Learning and Professor of Curriculum and Educational Design at Hamdan Smart University in Dubai UAE


Prof. Ashraf bin Mohamed Abdel Hamid

Professor and Head of the Department of psychological Health at Zagazig University Egypt


Dr. Raja bin Ateeq al-Mu’aili al-Harbi

Associate Prof. of Modern and Contemporary History, Islamic University of AlMadinah AlMonawrah


Dr. Mansour bin Saad Farghal

Associate Professor of Educational Administration at the Islamic University of AlMadinah AlMonawrah

Consulting Members


His Excellency Prof. Muhammad bin Abdullah Al Naji

Former Rector of Hafr al-Batin University


His Excellency Prof. Sa’eed bin Umar Al Umar

Rector of Northern Boarder University


His Excellency Dr. Husam bin Abdul Wahhab Zaman

Former Chairman of Education and Training Evaluation Commission


Prof. Suleiman bin Muhammad al-Balushi

Former Dean of the Faculty of Education, Sultan Qaboos University


Prof. Khalid bin Hamid al-Hazimi

Former Prof. of Islamic Education, Islamic University of Madinah


Prof. Sa’eed bin Falih al-Mughamisi

Former Prof. of Educational Management, Islamic University of Madinah


Prof. Abdullah bin Nasir al-Wali’ei

Prof. of Geography, King Sa’ud University


Prof. Mohammed Yousef Afifi

professor of educational fundamentals in the Islamic University of Madinah



Eng. Mohamed bin Hassan ELSharif

Technical production and implementation


Mr. Mohamed bin Saad ELShal

Journal’s scientific coordinator


Mr. Ahmed Shifaq Hamid Ali

Magazine secretariat


Mr. Ali Salah Al-Majbri

Magazine secretariat


Mr. Osama Khalid Ben Mussa

Magazine secretariat