study aims to identify the degree of practicing digital leadership among school
principals from the perspective of teachers and leaders enrolled in Investing
in Education Cadres Program at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia, in the light
of some variables, e.g., sex, academic qualification, position, and years of
experience. It applied a questionnaire to (183) participants. Moreover, the
study adopted the descriptive survey method. The results showed that the degree
of practicing digital leadership among school principals from the perspective
of the participants was moderate, with an arithmetic mean of (2.98 out of 5).
While applying professional practices and institutional evaluation was high,
with arithmetic means of (3.61 and 3.55 out of 5, respectively), applying
teamwork qualification and adopting a supportive culture was moderate, with
arithmetic means of (2.89 and 2.81 out of 5, respectively), and applying school
organization development and leadership and vision was low, with arithmetic
means of (2.55 and 2.47 out of 5, respectively). There were statistically
significant differences in the degree of practicing digital leadership from the
perspective of the participants due to sex (favoring males), academic
qualification (favoring the bachelor), position (favoring school principals and
deputies), and years of experience (favoring less than 5 years). Accordingly,
the study recommends providing more material and human capacities supporting
applying digital leadership in educational institutions, holding more
conferences and symposia to empower digital leadership in educational
institutions, and fostering digital leadership skills among the directors of
educational institutions through training courses and workshops.
leadership; School principals; Teachers.
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