purpose of this study was to identify research avenues in science education and
the priority level attributed to each within the wider domain of science
education research in Saudi Arabia from the viewpoint of expertise. A mixed
method approach with an exploratory sequential design, in addition to the
Delphi method, was utilized. The research sample was represented by 43
individuals involved specialized in science education. The entire study sample
was queried as to the primary research question, while a limited number of
non-randomly selected subjects (n=22) were in the secondary research question.
Three electronic questionnaires constituted the applied study instruments.
Results demonstrated ten main research areas, including 43 subdomains. Eight
research domains were designated as high priority (Science Education Policies,
Science Teacher Preparation and Development, STEM Education, Science Learning
Environments, science education, Research Activity in Science Education,
Science Education and the National Context, science and social education),
while two domains were designated as moderate priority (history and nature of
science, and student diversity in science education). No research domains were
labeled as low priority. With regard to subdomains, 27 were selected as high
priority, fifteen as moderate, and one as low priority. The authors provided
the respective recommendations, with the aforementioned results in
research priorities, science education, Delphi Method, Research areas.
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