العوامل الخمسة الكبرى للشخصية وأساليب التفكير لدى طلاب جامعة شقراء
The Five Big Personality Traits and Thinking Styles of Shaqra University Students
د. محمد حوال العتيبي
أستاذ علم النفس المشارك
قسم علم النفس - كلية العلوم والدراسات الانسانية بعفيف - جامعة شقراء
This study aimed to identify the thinking styles of Shaqra University students، as well as the impact of the five major factors of
personality، and the relationship between the factors of
personality and the differences in the thinking methods of males and females.
The sample of the study consisted of (792) male and female students and it used
the comparative correlation descriptive method،
and measuring
tools represented in: the measure of the five major factors of personality
(prepared by the researcher)،
the scale of
thinking methods prepared by Sternberg & Wagner (1992) translated by Abu
Hashim (2006). The results of the study showed that there is a statistically
positive correlation at the level of significance of (0.01) between the
university students' grades on the scale of the five major factors of
personality and their scores on the scale of the thinking methods.
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