واقع امتلاك معلمي ومعلمات التعليم العام المهارات اللازمة لتفعيل المنصات التعليمية في ضوء فلسفة التعليم عن بُعد بمدينة الرياض
The Reality of Public Education Teachers Possessing of Necessary Skills to Activate Educational Platforms in Light of the Philosophy of Distance Education in Riyadh
د. نوف بنت مناحي عوض العتيبي
أستاذ أصول التربية المشارك
قسم أصول التربية - كلية التربية - جامعة شقراء
The purpose of the study is to figure out the degree
of the public education teachers possessing of necessary skills to activate
educational platforms in distance education from their point of view and
uncovering the obstacles facing Public education teachers in developing the
necessary skills to activate electronic educational platforms in distance
education. In order to achieve the research objectives, a questionnaire was
designed and a sample survey was conducted among 389 teachers of public
education in Riyadh. The findings of the study concluded that the degree of
public education teachers possessing of necessary skills to activate electronic
educational platforms in distance education from their point of view was high,
and it was found that the most skills possessed by teachers are effective
communication skills, then assessment skills, implementation skills, planning
skills and technological skills, respectively. The study showed that there are
obstacles facing teachers in developing the necessary skills to activate
electronic educational platforms, including the need for this type of education
for continuous training in accordance with technical development, the
overcrowding of the teacher's curriculum, the conviction of some teachers that
the use of these platforms for a temporary period.
Keywords: Electronic Educational Platforms, Skills, Philosophy of Distance Education
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