التفكير القائم على الحكمة لدى القادة الأكاديميين بجامعة نجران
Thinking based on wisdom among academic leaders at Najran University
د. فيصل بن علي يحيى نجمي
أستاذ الإدارة التربوية المساعد
قسم الإدارة التربوبة - كلية التربية - جامعة نجران
the current research aimed to
measure the degree of Thinking based on wisdom among academic leaders at Najran
University. The descriptive method was used by applying the wisdom development
scale of Brown and Greene to a sample of (106) academic leaders at Najran
University. The results indicated that the research sample Possess Thinking
based on wisdom in higher degree in the overall of the scale and all its
component dimensions, and the dimensions were arranged in descending order as
follows (willingness to learn - self-knowledge - altruism - life skills -
inspirational participation - making judgments - knowledge of life - managing
emotions).and the results indicated that There are no significant differences
in Thinking based on wisdom due to variables Years of Work, Degree, and The administrative position.
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