رؤية مستقبلية لأنماط التعليم العالي السعودي لتلبية احتياجات سوق العمل من وجهة نظر خبراء التربية
A future vision of the patterns of Saudi higher education to meet the needs of the labor market from the viewpoint of education experts
د. رمضان محمود عبد العليم عبد القادر
أستاذ أصول التربية المشارك
قسم أصول التربية - كلية التربية - جامعة الأزهر، وجامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية
study aimed to identify the status que of the patterns of
Saudi higher education, the status que and obstacles to meeting the
patterns of higher education to the needs of the Saudi labor market, and then
to present a proposal for the patterns of higher education to meet
the needs of the Saudi labor market from the perspective of
education experts. She used the descriptive
documentary approach, The poor fulfillment of the outputs of Saudi
higher education patterns to the needs of the labor market, and the presence of
a number of obstacles limiting this, the most important of which are: the lack
of participation of the participation of employers in determining the
university admission policy, in addition to the rapid and successive changes
that occur in the needs of the labor market and the inability of higher
education to meet them, He also conducted the Delphi method
to 21 experts to clarify their opinion on the proposal
of types of higher education,: The findings revealed that the
productive university pattern came in the first place, with an
agreement percentage (98.2%), while the percentage of their agreement on
the research university pattern came in the second place,
with an agreement percentage to (97.6%), while the percentage of their
agreement on the corporate university pattern came in third place
with an agreement percentage (96.9%). Their agreement on developing the
traditional pattern of higher education (government and private)
ranked fourth and last, with an agreement rate of (89.3%). In the light of
its findings, the study made a number of recommendations.
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