New User Registration

New User Registration
The Islamic University Journal of Arabic Language and Literature welcomes all researchers and referees. Whether you are a researcher seeking to publish your research, or a referee seeking to contribute to raising the quality of research, we invite you to join us to be part of the journey of science and knowledge.

** Password writing controls:
1. Uppercase letter + lowercase letter (in English).
2. Symbol (for example @ symbol).
3. At least six numbers.
Controls and conditions for joining the list of referees for the Islamic University Journal of Arabic Language and Literature:

  1. The applicant must be a citizen or resident of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  2. The academic degree of the applicant must be (Professor / Associate Professor).
  3. The applicant''''''''s specialization must fall within the journal''''''''s specializations. To review the journal''''''''s specializations, please visit the -home page of the website-.
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