فاعلية نموذج قائم على تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي في تنمية مهارات الحاسب لدى طالبات الطفولة المبكرة بجامعة شقراء
The Effectiveness of a Model Based on Artificial
Intelligence Applications in Enhancing Computer Skills among Female Early
Childhood Students at Shaqra University
The current study aimed at
measuring the effectiveness of a model based on artificial Intelligence in enhancing computer skills
of early childhood female students at Shaqra University. The current study used
analytical descriptive design to identify the list of computer skills and to
prepare a model based on artificial Intelligence. It also used the quasi
experimental design to measure the effectiveness of the model in enhancing early
childhood female students’ computer skills at Shaqra University. The
participants of the study were 156 of early childhood female students
(preparatory year program) at Shaqra University. They were intentionally
chosen. The sample was divided into two independent groups an experimental and
a control group. The model was used with the experimental group while the
regular method of teaching was used with the control group. The current study
used the observation checklist to measure the computer skills as an instrument.
Results revealed the effectiveness of the model based on artificial
intelligence in enhancing computer skills of female students in the
experimental group. The study recommended the adoption of this model in
teaching computer skills in the (preparatory year program) in all faculties of early
childhood and other faculties in the university.
Keywords: Artificial
Intelligence applications, Computer Skills, Early Childhood Students, Shaqra
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